Saturday, February 10, 2007

Holy windy batman!!

Seems I spoke too soon about the wind. Yesterday afternoon, I thought I was finally going to get out for a decent kite......forecast looked good, BOM observations looked good, so I raced home and headed down the beach. When I got there, it was averaging about 20kts, gusting to 26 or so. Ok, fine. Forecast was for 20/25kts, dropping to 15/20.

Unfortunately, as I was laying out my lines and pumping up my kite, the wind kept getting stronger and stronger. Eventually, it was averaging 25 and gusting to 30+kts! Even on my smallest kite, I'm still too light to hold down that much wind, so all I could do was stand there getting sandblasted, waiting for it to drop off (which it didn't do). I gave it 45 minutes and packed up.

One thing those wind speeds, the huge drifts of sand being blown across the beach and the sand flats out the back look just like moving water in a long exposure photo. It's very cool to watch actually.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Moving house.

I've moved! I finally got to move to Bundaberg, which puts me nice and close to Elliott Heads for when I want to go for a kite :-) Not that I've been doing a lot of that.....the wind has been rubbish since I moved here :-(

Here's a tip....don't move over xmas/new year. What a drama. None of the regular moving companies work over that time, so we had to do it outselves. I've sworn that I'll never do it again. No matter how much it costs, I'll be paying a removalist next time. Multiple trips in my Patrol (towing a trailer) *with* Michelle following in her car, plus 2 trips in the pantec we hired to move the 'big' stuff. How the hell can you possibly fit that much stuff in a 4 bedroom house??

Anyway, it's done now. Now all I gotta do is work out a way to bring the south east winds back and I'll be set :-)
